Карвинг: техника катания подготовленные склоны, вешки, фанкарвинг |
01.08.2024, 22:53
#751 (посилання)
Адепт Харбариума
Зараз: поза форумом
Звідки: Default City
Снаряга: Yamaha Tracer 9, YT Jeffsy Pro Race. Blizzard: SRC WC 165, WRC WC 180, Rustler 11 188
Я не знаю, хто вона, чому вона зі штатів, але це космос
24.08.2024, 21:29
#752 (посилання)
Адепт Харбариума
Зараз: поза форумом
Звідки: Default City
Снаряга: Yamaha Tracer 9, YT Jeffsy Pro Race. Blizzard: SRC WC 165, WRC WC 180, Rustler 11 188
Здається вперше бачу таку італійку. Тренер з Австрії. Чи сам Харб )
Чемпіонка SG FIS Junior 2024
22.09.2024, 11:22
#753 (посилання)
Адепт Харбариума
Зараз: поза форумом
Звідки: Default City
Снаряга: Yamaha Tracer 9, YT Jeffsy Pro Race. Blizzard: SRC WC 165, WRC WC 180, Rustler 11 188
29.09.2024, 18:15
#754 (посилання)
Адепт Харбариума
Зараз: поза форумом
Звідки: Default City
Снаряга: Yamaha Tracer 9, YT Jeffsy Pro Race. Blizzard: SRC WC 165, WRC WC 180, Rustler 11 188
Харба вкотре замахав плуг. Написано круто. Відос тут: Facebook
If you take two minutes to think about this it makes no sense at all. Trying to demonstrate a perfect Wedge Christie is absurd because not one part of this maneuver has anything to do with parallel skiing or advanced skiing skills. You are wasting your time effort and energy on something that you will never need first to ski, second if you do use it after you can ski, it's never like this. This also severely delays your movement growth toward advanced skiing. From a neurological standpoint, it's wasting brain cells. It's creating habits, not skills you will use. Every movement he shows is developing the incorrect muscle development as well. So if you follow this way of learning you will have to unlearn it and then relearn completely different methods. To accelerate your skiing to advanced skier skills you need balance, balance transfer, and single-leg standing capabilities. All the correct movements can be taught, the first day on snow.
The other major parts of skiing can all be introduced and taught on the first day. None of the essential movements of asking that should be addressed is in this demonstration. A proper method involves using the feet and ankles to tip the skis from one side to the other. Nothing close to these important, essential skiing movements are introduced in this maneuver, no foot skills whatsoever are involved in this demo. No balancing skills are introduced here. He is standing like a cnadle stick moving up and down, and turning the ski with the shoulder twist. Even for a wedge christie this demonstration is flawed and done improperly.
30.09.2024, 10:02
#755 (посилання)
Зараз: поза форумом
Звідки: Київ
Снаряга: HEAD Worldcup Rebels i-Race Pro
Харб вкотре на когось наїхав?
Останнім був Патрік Баєц, зі слів Харба, він також салабон
30.09.2024, 12:10
#756 (посилання)
Адепт Харбариума
Зараз: поза форумом
Звідки: Default City
Снаряга: Yamaha Tracer 9, YT Jeffsy Pro Race. Blizzard: SRC WC 165, WRC WC 180, Rustler 11 188
@Skyclub, англійську знаєш ) бачиш протиріччя?
30.09.2024, 12:39
#757 (посилання)
Зараз: поза форумом
Звідки: Київ
Снаряга: HEAD Worldcup Rebels i-Race Pro
Я бачу крутого діда у дуууже гарній фізичній формі, але, нажаль, вже з ознаками деменції, і хлопців, які витрачають час на розбори його "глибоких думок", безсоромного самопіару і постійного сперечання з тими, хто на сьогодні дійсно найкращій.
Я не про твою цитату, а про Харба за останній місяць.
30.09.2024, 13:49
#758 (посилання)
Адепт Харбариума
Зараз: поза форумом
Звідки: Default City
Снаряга: Yamaha Tracer 9, YT Jeffsy Pro Race. Blizzard: SRC WC 165, WRC WC 180, Rustler 11 188
@Skyclub, ти це вже писав, бро. Забув? По ділу є комменти?
16.10.2024, 22:38
#759 (посилання)
Адепт Харбариума
Зараз: поза форумом
Звідки: Default City
Снаряга: Yamaha Tracer 9, YT Jeffsy Pro Race. Blizzard: SRC WC 165, WRC WC 180, Rustler 11 188
Richard Berger і Харб
I have the highest regard for Richie's skiing style, his movements, and his turn energy. Rarely do people define any of these elements in skiing. These are descriptions that don't tell you about skiing except that it's valued and very good. Let's address each of these elements I raised and define them like no one ever has before. Follow the posts below, (or the post above, Facebook puts my posts out of order for some reason) to read more.
Style: Style is not technique or movements, it's what you see as a general body look, going through movement based on technique. So it is a nebulous definition of skiing, however, it does convey what a skier looks like to the individual and often shows approval or disapproval. Style is a result of function, either good or bad. In Richie's case, his style is appealing because his movements are functional and effective. Automobile designs are often referred to as "great style", and most astute observers have said, "Style follows function."
Movements: In Harb Ski Systems, movements are what we teach based on the PMTS Teaching System. PMTS stands for "Primary Movements Teaching System." This is what differentiates PMTS from traditional systems. We have dissected and identified every ski movement and muscle group that creates skiing movements for every level of skiing and skier. To make this easy for skiers to replicate the most efficient way to ski and for ease of learning these movements are identified by body parts and muscle groups, into 5 identifiable categories or body compartments, which we call the "Essentials of Skiing". There are 5 of these Essentials. Richi Berger has a high level of competency with every one of the PMTS Essentials as does Marcel Hirscher and other great skiers. These movements happen in a specific order and are initiated by the skier's brain before you actually see them happening. We call this skiing in the future for every turn. Contrarily, if you are skiing in the moment you will always be late with the movement needed at the place of the turn or for the release. When this approach to movements is integrated at high energy levels and speed, you observe a certainly pleasing skiing style.
Turn energy: Energy is generated from correct movements at the right time for an arc or turn. If you are skiing with force and effort rather than relaxation and efficient movements you will not become effective or stylish. Again this is what separates PMTS from traditional ski instruction. These are not evolutionary concepts, they are revolutionary mechanics, and the teaching approaches developed from them. To achieve this way of skiing we had to evolve and define a totally different set of mechanics for this technique. To explain, steering or turning a ski as many national systems use in their teaching requires muscular effort that compromises balance, timing, and efficiency. PMTS teaches applying movements that create progressive angle development with the skis so that the skis turn you. You are therefore no longer focused on using gross muscles and effort to turn the skis. This goes completely against the grain of all teaching systems. Accomplishing this requires using each "Essential" at the proper time in the turn. Coordinating these "Essentials" builds balance, control, and turn completion. The better you become at implementing the "Essentials" the speed at which you can create angles increases. You then achieve complete balance, and speed control with relaxation and efficiency. Energy comes from the speed at which you can develop angles to generate a tighter turn size or radius. This also equates to developing better balance at the right time for each arc. Remember turning or steering a ski moves the base of support away from your balance point or CG. With the PMTS mechanics, the base of support is not disrupted and it doesn't move away, it anchors you. You therefore develop confidence in the skis and your base of support. The skis are turning you, instead of the other way around. Richie obviously does this very well. The faster you can prepare the movements that sustain balance, develop lower body angles, and are supported by upper body movements for balance, the shorter your arc becomes and the more control and energy you develop.
17.10.2024, 12:44
#760 (посилання)
Зараз: поза форумом
Звідки: Київ
Снаряга: HEAD Worldcup Rebels i-Race Pro
По ділу є коменти
Бо це фото просто перфектне у порівнянні.
Обидва діди-красунчики, знімаю капелюха, але є нюанси
"Since I'm 25 years older, Richie skis like me, not the other way around. Austrian Skiing!"
Під фото на ФБ у Харба був саме такий комент. А це вже має трохи інший сенс. Харб , як завжди, не соромлячись, навіть тут, звісно, піарить себе
" Я на 25 років старіший, тому не я мавпую його, а він мене".
На цьому фото Харб у 1000 разів сучасніший, ніж зараз, як на мене,
Якщо зовсім по темі:
-уважно подивіться на те, куди дивляться ці хлопці? Харб, як завжди, назовні повороту(і це ослаблює упор на зовнішню і хер бачить куди їде), а Річі, вочевидь, у поворот, випереджаючи лижі( а це підсилює упор на зовнішні і він бачить, куди їде і куди приїде за мить)
- подивіться УВАЖНО на куртку Річі. Я бачу складку від підборіддя до боку вниз. А це свідчить, що він робить перекрут(називайте, як хочте, але саме так і дразнять тих, хто так робить) - і це підсилює упор і це один з ключових моментів того, чому вчить той, кого тут вже не люблять.
Так от, Харб на фото ну дууууже класний , а Річі - бездоганний
Але Харб цього не розуміє.
Тут присутні: 1 (учасників - 0 , гостей - 1)
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